Chapter 6 Deploying a reusableStore VM

6.1 Step one - download JSON credentials for your Google Cloud Project

This section assumes that you already have identified the Google Cloud Project you wish to use. If this is not the case, please see the previous section on Creating a new Google Cloud Project. For the purposes of this tutorial, we assume the Google Cloud Project is named “htsquirrel-01”. If this is not the case, please susbstitute your actual Google Cloud Project name wherever you see “htsquirrel-01” referenced in this tutorial.

After you have identified the Google Cloud Project that you wish to use, please download a JSON file that contains the credentials to the Google Compute Engine Service Account. This JSON file can be downloaded at: . Please rename this JSON file “htsquirrel.json” and copy this file to the /projects/htsquirrel folder.

6.2 Step two - generate the reusableStore VM

From the /projects/htsquirrel folder, run the following command:

To be completed…