Chapter 3 Installing htsquirrel

htsquirrel can be run from any of three supported operating systems:

  1. Linux
  2. Mac
  3. Windows

Before installing htsquirrel, please follow the TwA installation instructions to install TwA Deploy onto your computer. Thereafter, run TwA’s “Hello World” test example to confirm that TwA Deploy is working correctly on your computer.

Only after the above TwA installation is completed and the “Hello World” example has been run, should htsquirrel be installed. Please refer to the sub-section below to install htsquirrel for your operating system.

3.1 Linux

Change into the the new projects directory:

cd /projects

and pull the htsquirrel project from GitHub:

git clone

Change into the new htsquirrel directory:

cd /projects/htsquirrel

Even though “terraform init” was run as part of the TwA installation, note we have now changed our working directory to new directory ( /projects/htsquirrel ). Because of the new working directory, “terraform init” still needs to be run as part of the htsquirrel install. Run this command to initialize Terraform:

terraform init

Assuming no errors occurred with the above commands, htsquirrel is now installed on your system.

3.2 MacOS

MacOS is similar enough to Linux that the install instructions for Linux will probably work just fine for Mac. Please follow the Linux install instructions when installing htsquirrel on a Mac, and let us know if you encounter any issues!

3.3 Windows

When TwA Deploy was installed on your Windows computer, it also installed Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). All work with htsquirrel will be done within WSL.

To open WSL bash shell, simply run the following command:

  • wsl

to open the WSL environment within Windows. At this point, please follow the Linux install instructions when installing htsquirrel within WSL on Windows.